Many people today still remain fairly unaware of the astonishing power that food has on our bodies for some unknown reason when in reality, what we eat is one of the biggest factor that determines the state of both our body and mind. Simply put, the foods we consume have a domino effect that ripples out to every cell of our body, effecting our entire biochemistry almost in an instant.
Some foods can be very beneficial and some may not be so good. Foods to avoid are anything that’s extremely low in quality, high in salt, sugar or processed fats as well as consumption of meat and dairy.
All of these foods bring about an undesired effect on the body. High blood pressure and risk of heart disease from salt, unstable blood sugar levels from sugar, increased cholesterol and risk of heart disease from processed fats, digestion and serious risk of cancer from meat and finally, hormone disruption, high risk of cancer and increased likeliness for osteoporosis with dairy.
Other foods can be much more beneficial, unfortunately that’s not the midnight pizza and kebabs you order after a Friday night and nor is it the huge tub of ice cream you chow down when you’re not feeling too well. Below is a list of foods (and drinks*) that have been scientifically proven to help balance and regulate the neurochemistry of the brain, balance out hormones and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.
“What we eat is one of the biggest factor that determines the state of both our body and mind. Simply put, the foods we consume have a domino effect that ripples out to every cell of our body, effecting our entire biochemistry almost in an instant.”
Nuts are very rich in vitamin a range of essential nutrients that are vital for good psychological health and functioning but more specifically, some nuts are extremely beneficial to that of people with anxiety due to their B6 and glutamate content.
Vitamin B6 is responsible for our coordination, memory and nervous system health and glutamate is responsible for the synthesis of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain. GABA acts as a calming agent when stress levels begin to rise and is something we make naturally in our bodies. Those who are constantly stressed regularly often have lower levels. Nuts with the highest B6 and glutamate content are almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
(Before you ask, peanuts do not count as they are actually a type of pea and are classed as a legume rather than being a nut – sorry!)
Seeds are another great choice for anyone suffering with high levels of stress or anxiety due to their high glutamate content, they also contain high levels of other B-Vitamins as well which are all essential for vital for the health of our hearts, brain and nervous system. Seeds highest in glutamate content are that of sunflower, safflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Both nuts and seeds are also often very high in healthy, essential fats and fatty acids such as omega-3. Although not a great source of glutamate, both chia and flax seeds (linseeds) are a superfood when it comes to psychological and brain health.
Green / Black or Herbal Tea
Although it’s important to understand that no amount of tea will cure your anxiety alone, tea of any sort can have some very wonderfully calming and relaxing effects on the body. The most obvious of benefits is that of hydration, which is of course vital to both our survival but to our vitality also.
Those with anxiety tend to avoid drinking much water and often tend to be rather dehydrated. Dehydration within the body not only slows and impairs almost all functions of the body, but causes the body to be in a state of panic without you really being aware – dehydration will provoke heightened states of anxiety. There are also some herbal teas that will have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects on the mind.
One of the strongest and most well regarded is that of Kava, strong enough in fact that it has been known to interact with some medications and should never be consumed alongside alcohol. It also should be avoided by those with liver disease. Also note that to activate the anxiolytic effects of kava, you will need to consume it with some form of fat source (coconut oil, coconut butter etc.)
If you are planning to use kava as a treatment for anxiety, it’s important to know that your grocery store versions just aren’t going to cut it. You’re going to have to go to a health shop or herbal store to find the real thing. It is also advised that you speak with a medical professional if you are on any anxiety medication if you are planning to consume kava
Other great herbal teas include passionflower, valerian root (also great for insomnia) as well as chamomile, peppermint and lemon balm.
Citrus Fruits
Although not directly linked to levels of stress hormones such as cortisol or anxiety itself, citrus fruits can still have a very beneficial effect to those suffering with anxiety. If you’re a fan of citrus fruits like me then you’ll be pleased to know they can also have a powerful effect on depression.
What makes citrus fruits good for anxiety is their extremely high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is known to help reduce risks of unwanted cellular (tumour) growth within the body caused by oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress within the body stresses out the body and although this may be happening internally within us at an unconscious level that we may not always be aware of, our body is and that causes the release of certain chemicals and hormones to try and protect the body from damage. Ability to combat this with antioxidants such as those found in citrus fruits has been shown to help alleviate forms of anxiety and balance a person’s state of mind.
Dark Chocolate
Adding dark chocolate into ones nutrition practice has a whole range of benefits under the assumption of course that you don’t consume a whole bar of Bourneville for example. The benefits of dark chocolate comes mainly from the fact that it contains high levels of both antioxidants and flavonols which have been proven to be very beneficial in the areas of the brain that are responsible for learning and memory. Flavonols have also been found to preserve cognitive abilities against the deterioration of aging, lower the risk of Alzheimer’s and the risk of stroke in humans.
Dark chocolate also has superior mood boosting qualities due to these chemicals. It’s why we’re known to run to the bar of chocolate when we’re sad. Consumption of chocolate naturally causes a spike in our endorphin levels that make us feel good. This can be utilised with a small amount of consumption (a few squares max) but becomes rather counterproductive when we consume a larger portion of the bar.
High quality dark chocolate is also far less processed and contains far less sugar than our modern day confectionery junk equivalents. Although nowhere near as creamy or sweet, the more natural you go with chocolate, the healthier it becomes up to its original source of cacao which is highly regarded around the world as one of the top superfoods.
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Cook, George. Food for Thought: Top 7 Tricks to Improve Your Health. Bournemouth: Independently Published, 2018. Print.
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