What if you could double your income without doubling your work hours, if you could spend freely on the things you want to buy without the worry of what you need to buy?
One of the most shared and common desires around the world has to be that of an increased income or financial status. Unfortunately, we cannot deny that our society has become so organised and locked in its ways that we all need to have some form of income to do the things we both need and want to do.
It’s important to realise first and foremost that it’s not money that most of us want, it’s the experiences, the material objects and the freedom that comes with financial stability. By lowering the perceived value (because it is only a perceived value) of money, we begin to lower the stress associated with the lack of it and ease in the allowance of the presence of it.
“It’s important to realise first and foremost that it’s not money that most of us want, it’s the experiences, the material objects and the freedom that comes with financial stability.”
Be More Money Conscious
Become more aware of your money. To become more aware of something means to put our focus to it. You can do this in a number of ways. If you’ve got money in your bank account, take some out and carry it around with you. If not, you can just carry a small handful of coins, even pennies around with you to just become aware of the presence of money.
Notice what’s in your bank account but do so without scouring, without needing more to be happy – look at it and just be grateful you’ve got money to spend on the things you’re going to spend them on. As we become more aware of something, we continue to grow its awareness and presence in our lives.
As we begin to notice more and more, even if it’s the smaller things like someone letting you off with money you owed, or someone being okay if you were a bit short at the store etc. As we begin to notice more and more experiences of money coming into our life, we find even more experiences in resonance to notice more and more and ultimately, we learn to allow more come to our experience.
Talk Positive About Money
How do you talk about money? Have you ever had a conversation with someone who is very financially stable or rich and noticed how they talk about money, is it different than you do?
How we talk about money, just as how we talk about anything is often a very good expression of what it means to us. Notice how you talk about something you value, such as a partner, friend or even pet. You do this because you appreciate them and value them. Next notice how you talk about money. Do you say that money’s irrelevant, that if it weren’t for the fact you NEED it that you wouldn’t want any of it?
Notice also how you talk about your financial status, do you use the words poor, broke, skint etc. when someone asks you to come out? If you’ve developed a habit of using words that emphasise a lack of money, simply try not to use money as a factor as to why you’re saying no – even if it is a factor. If you find that you talk negatively about money, try to step away from the attachment, money is just a tool of trade and it’s what we do with it that defines its worth.
Spend Freely
Notice that I use the word ‘freely’ here and not recklessly. There is a huge difference between the two and one will most definitely cause you to become financially dependent and the other to be financially abundant.
If you want to go out for lunch for example and you can spend the money on it now and doing so will make you happy then do it. It’s likely your mind kicks into overdrive and starts worrying about what if you can’t pay for this thing you may have to pay for in 5 weeks’ time but realise that fear is not of actual danger. If you have the money to spend, it’s okay to spend it. More will always flow back to you.
If you are tight on money, however, or you have bills coming up or you’ve recently lost your job then don’t go on a spree buying every piece of eye-candy that jumps off the shelves, this isn’t what I’m trying to imply. If you are inspired to buy something or to spend money on going somewhere and you want to do it then realise its okay to do it. After all your money is for spending on things you think you will be happier in the experiencing of it anyway.
Follow Your Talents
From the Greek word ‘talenta’, which means large sums of money. To follow your talents is to follow what you’re good at, what you’re passionate about and what inspires you.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s painting pictures, driving a motorcycle or helping out the elderly, when we follow our talents and we use them in a way that adds some sort of value to the lives of another then we will always get back that of equal value one way or another.
It may not even be something that seems remotely marketable or profitable but talent always breeds rewards. If you are passionate about what you’re doing, you will always attract others to you with your passion.
Read Success Stories
Somewhat linking in with our first point of becoming more money conscious, read up on people who have been successful with money. By doing so, we begin to become more aware and more conscious of how people have achieved their personal successes.
Most of these people didn’t have it as easy as we believed they may have and in fact, often experienced something much similar to the rest of us. By reading about other peoples successes, we begin to normalise the idea of success, we stop believing that these people were special, that they were all born into their current lifestyles etc.
Ironically one of the things you will begin to notice is that almost all of them actually applied tip number 4, almost all of these people decided to follow their talents. You’ll also realise that most of them didn’t do it for the sake of earning money but because they were passionate about it because they felt inspired and by doing so, they ended up becoming more successful.
Notice Limiting Beliefs
I’ve saved the most important step until last. Become aware of your beliefs about money because they will have an unstoppable amount of power over its presence in your life. Many of us today have grown up through poverty, through a credit crisis which has really altered our beliefs about money.
You may believe that money is bad, that it is the route of all evil. That it promotes greed and hatred or that it’s hard to come by. Maybe you believe there’s a total scarcity of money since every country somehow seems to be in huge debt. I used to believe all of these for many years and ironically I was always broke or in debt way up until I eventually became aware and changed these beliefs.
Truth is, money isn’t bad. Bad people may be using money to do bad things but money is just one of many tools at their disposal. Greedy people are always going to be greedy, with or without getting what they want. Finally, national debt or not, more and more money is printed every single day, it may drop in value occasionally but in physicality, it continues to increase.
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