With a keen interest in both psychology and neurology, I’ve always wanted to understand the functionality of the mind and brain in a way that promotes not only mental wellbeing, but physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing also.
Once I found that understanding, I had to formulate what I knew into a practical, reliable and beneficial exercise that can be used to help others to integrate the information.
Meditation gives exactly that. By allowing the opportunity to get you into a peaceful and relaxed state, not only does the mind become much more receptive to allowing the integration of beneficial information, but it also brings the perfect environment to develop self-control and to let go of unpleasant thoughts, memories, stress and other negative patterns that play a vital role in our wellbeing.
Although there will be variation from session to session, as well as client to client, there are 6 different meditations sessions available;
Mental Wellbeing
For those who suffer with forms of mental health, meditation can initially sound almost stupidly simplistic and useless at first glance, but that’s often due to the fact that most people aren’t aware on what their looking for or how to know if they’re doing anything right.
Throughout our Mental Wellbeing meditation sessions, not only will you be understanding and discovering the answers to these questions rapidly with ease, but you’ll also be guided safely and supported into the seemingly frightful depths of your own conscious and subconscious mind.
The term mindfulness (not to be confused with mind ‘full-ness’) is a phrase that has since become a common practice for many people. As many of us are caught up in the stressful, systematic lifestyle we’ve all become accustomed to, many of us live the vast majority of our lives having knee-jerk reactions to people, to situations, to circumstances and even to our thoughts.
Mindfulness is all about observation of the present moment. By detaching from our reactive and emotional thinking by staying present, we take away their power and blunt the impact external events have on us as learn emotional control. As you become more mindful, you leave behind the idea that you and others are a victim to life. Rather than blame, you respond. Life is no longer happening to you, instead you learn that life is responding to you. Mindfulness can also be extremely helpful easing symptoms of anxiety, depression, addiction and low self-esteem.
Stress Relief
Although meditation is surely known for its ability to relieve us of stress, clear our mind and enjoy some relaxation it’s important that we understand the realm of our own awareness doesn’t stop there. With some practice and self-awareness, it becomes increasingly evident that we can direct our own meditative practice to wherever we wish, however it’s important that we really get the basics down first sometimes.
Throughout the Stress Relief meditation session, you’ll be unlocking the powers of your own consciousness in releasing anxieties, stressful thoughts, worries, panics and any other unwanted unpleasantness. With the support or a guidance coach you’ll learn what to do in no time and before long, be able to ease yourself of any unnecessary or uninvited negativity.
Immune Restoration
One of the main reasons I’ve adopted such a meditation-heavy lifestyle if you can call it that is due to the often unspoken ability that relaxation has on our physical health – the ability to strengthen and restore our immune system.
This happens due to the fact that emotions such as stress, fear and anxiety are notorious for causing huge spikes in the levels of our body’s cortisol (commonly known as ‘the stress hormone’) and adrenaline. Once these hormones are released, when we’re in those ‘fight or flight’ moments of panic, our immune system down regulates and switches off due to the fact that our stress is (or should be) an indication of immediate threat or danger. Therefore our attention is taken away from ‘inside threats’ such as bacteria or viruses.
Our Immune Restoration meditation is specifically good for anyone who suffers with common bouts of sickness, has a weakened immune system or has recently gone through an extended period of high stress, worry, anxiety or fearful thinking. People suffering with anxiety disorder are likely to find they have a weaker immune system for some time because of this.
Emotional Healing
If there was one thing many of us have yet to understand or develop, something that we should have all had the opportunity to develop at an early age, is the ability to process and heal emotion wounds, commonly known as psychological and emotional trauma.
The reason it’s so important is that throughout our lives, no matter who we are or what we do, it’s impossible for us to completely hide away from unpleasant situations. We all face serious adversity and challenges through our exposure of contrasting life experience. There will be a time in everyone’s lives where something catastrophically tragic happens that may likely shape your entire life.
The problem is that very few, if any of us at all were ever taught how to process, allow and release our emotions so we often are forced to hold onto them, bottle them up and suppress them for far longer than we needed to, causing ourselves severe psychological anguish for as long as we do.
Unhealed emotional wounds often play out as emotional triggers; a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, resulting in what feels like unexplainable bouts of anxiety, stress, paranoia and panic as an individual is reminded unconsciously of their suppressed thoughts, emotions or memories. Often causing a person to feel extremely unsettled around certain people, places, situations and activities.
By going into a deep state of relaxation, where the conscious judgment and rejection factor of the mind is allowed to be ‘put aside’ so to speak, its much simpler to directly communicate with and work through the subconscious memory system and bring about any long forgotten, suppressed or unresolved trigger point to the surface with ease and create the opportunity for them to be expressed and released for good in a safe, relaxed environment, bringing a lasting sense of freedom and empowerment from such instance.
Spiritual Healing
Whether we hold much awareness to it or not, our spiritual health is a highly important part of our overall health and wellbeing. Understanding that we all have spirit at the core of us, a force that is life; awareness of our own existence, it’s important that we align the way we live and behave in a way that promotes the wellbeing of such.
Known to bring about sensations of reverence and bliss; by undergoing a energetic clearance from the body, mind and heart; a new perspective and personal view of self and of life, it is no doubt that huge benefits are seen to come about rapidly to individuals who embark on a spiritual healing experience of any sorts. Cleansing the body of stagnant energy, clearing and aligning the chakras, releasing emotional wounds and developing interpersonal-spiritual communication are all common experiences of Spiritual Healing sessions.
Our Spiritual Healing session is unlike any other. Directly communicating with the subconscious memory, the energetic systems of the body and the conscious source all together, unanswered questions, unhealed emotions and an energetic re-balance can all take place under one empowering physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realignment ceremony.
Although each session varies dramatically from individual to individual in terms of what specific results may be received and what comes about following the session, it is promised to always be extensively uplifting and deeply inspiring at the very least. Our Spiritual Healing is guaranteed to help bring you into your state of natural alignment where you can allow the healing abilities you possess to work in full force.
Where you can overcome and breakthrough whatever barriers have been holding you back, where you can deliberately focus yourself from stress to clarity with ease and where you feel the purposeful excitement for life experience as you came here to do to.