Each and every day, people all across the globe are awakening to new realisations, new ideas and new understandings about who they are, the world they’re living in and the reality behind the global structures that keep it all functioning as it does.
As we wake up to these new states of mind; as we achieve an expanded state of awareness, it’s not uncommon that our path in life becomes rather disorientating. It’s likely that everything may suddenly become extremely confusing rather quickly.
Having no external source of guidance to fall back on such as our parents or authoritative figures like we’re used to, many can often be left in an overwhelming state of confusion, fear and even depression until they break through their barriers during this experience.
If you’ve found yourself coming to unshakable beliefs that suddenly contradict everything you’ve known to be been true, feeling as if you’ve begun to see a true nature that you were once ‘blind’ to, if you’ve possibly begun to feel isolated or even alienated because of it, then I’d like to tell you that you’re not alone and you’re not crazy. Thousands of people across the population are waking up to these exact same conclusions and none of us ever understood it at first.
Follow me through my own spiritual journey and experiences, bridging the gaps of knowledge about who and what we really are, why we’re finding ourselves trusting in some higher power despite having no religious background and finally answer the questions about reality that have been playing on our minds.
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